Intentions: Boston Pace • Naples Daily News Half Marathon, Naples, FL

Today was my third half marathon in just over two weeks.  I think it’s safe to say I’m back.  Still injured, still in a lot of pain. But two important things have happened: 1) I have been healing and am steadily getting better.  2) I’ve learned to cope with the pain better – discerning that fine line between discomfort pain and destructive pain, and damn I’m going to do just that.

I made the trip out to Naples with my buddy Bryan.  In 2014, I think he PR’d here when we made the trip together.  This weekend I was ready to at least PTR (Post Traumatic Record).  It would be redemption for Naples 2016.  I had planned to run it again then, but just a few short weeks after being hit I wouldn’t have been able to run very fast anyway.  This year would be very different.  The night before the race I inhaled a tub of ice cream, jokingly recalling how I ran a great race at one point after doing just that.  Perhaps this would be the same?

It was a chilly morning.  That sucked until the race started, but that meant it was perfect PR conditions.  The Naples Daily News Half Marathon is a flat, fast and highly competitive race.  There is a lot of shade, and while there are several turn arounds, they are on cul-de-sacs, so they are not sharp turns.  It’s great for a PR even in decent weather.  But this year wasn’t just decent, it really was ideal!  I remember telling Bryan about my specific long term PR goal.  I wanted Boston pace – 6:17 per mile (617 being the area code for Boston phones).  I wasn’t looking for 6:16 pace, I could do that another time.  I wanted exactly 6:17 as my PR for just a little while!  I felt good, and was still flying high after my win two weeks ago.  I was confident that healthy I could comfortably smoke that pace.  In fact, I’m pretty sure that if I removed injuries from the equation, I’m at close to 6 minute conditioning.  So 1:22:xx was a very reasonable target.  In the back of my mind I could feel that this might be the day.  Even if not, I wanted a PTR.  Running the fastest race I’ve had since being hit would still be a solid accomplishment.  It was time!

As we lined up at the start, I got a bit distracted chatting with one of my new friends that I’d met in Delray, and also with a random girl wearing Boston marathon apparel.  Boston always gets me pumped!  That’s what it’s all about!  Before I knew it the gun had gone off… I wasn’t even ready.  Oops!  But I was in a good mood.  For Boston I would run this race.  For Boston at a 6:17 pace.  And so I did!

Over the first few miles I felt quite good.  My body was flowing.  Stride after stride.  Quickly, relatively comfortably… I was moving fast!  Before the first turn around, I saw Bryan fly by me.  “Go Bryan!” I yelled “Screw the PTR, I’m gonna PR today!”  I could feel it.  Today was the day!  I was nowhere near the front of this race… it’s way too competitive for that.  But I was right where *I* needed to be.  I was running my race, and it just felt right.  I remember joking to another runner nearby towards the end of the race: “It’s amazing how even when you have the race of your life, there’s always somebody ten times faster!”  Yeah… I was flying, but there was some serious space between myself and the winners!  But again, it didn’t matter.  I was running my race, they were running theirs.

I kept going.  Even though my back did start bugging me, it was on the discomfort side of the dial.  I would deal with it.  Today was my day!  I raced past a church, where the priest was sprinkling runners with holy water!  Yes, I was blessed to be here today, and to be having such an incredible race.  I never looked at my splits.  I just ran what felt right.  I trusted myself.  When I crossed that finish line, I was ecstatic!  I’d not only PTR’d… I’d PR’d!  I beaten the record I set in Tartu, Estonia during the summer of 2015.  And I’d finished at exactly 6:17 pace!  Those were my intentions.  Those were my actualizations.  2018, let’s rock!